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Bryant Furnace Serial Number Lookup

Bryant Furnace Serial Number Lookup 7,8/10 3555 reviews

Hvac Serial and Model numbers Air conditioner serial and model number Decode Hvac Serial and Model numbers Each Hvac brand has its own serial and model number and each serial and model number have a different way of telling you the information. You can’t use Carrier serial and model to decode Trane hvac units.

In the sample provided the furnace was manufactured December 1974. Residential Furnace (1980 to present) SN: 3784C47010 (1980 to Present) Model # Example 48GP02404030 From 1980 to Present the first two digits of the serial number indicate the week and the 3rd and 4th digits indicate year of manufacture.

Bryant Furnace Model Numbers

BryantBryant furnace serial number decoder

It would be confusing and wrong. Some hvac brand also has new code for its new hvac units. For example, York hvac had two different serial numbers for 1971 through 2004 and for 2005 through the present day. You can’t use information from 2005 to decode 1980 hvac unit, it wouldn’t works. These air conditioner numbers mean a lot. Without the serial and model number, it would be hard to find a replacement part of that central ac unit (I’m not referring to small parts).