Every time you lift your hand off the keyboard and reach for your mouse or touchpad, you're wasting precious seconds. That's why I use keyboard shortcuts for everything on my PC. Not only are key combos faster to hit, but they're also more accurate than even the best mouse when it comes to precise actions like highlighting text or selecting cells in a spreadsheet. When I talk to friends -- even my most tech-savvy colleagues -- I find that most use basic keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL+X to cut and CTRL+V to paste, but they don't know some of the most helpful hotkeys that their PCs have to offer. These are the 22 best PC keyboard shortcuts you're probably not using, but should be. You're reading a laptop review on the Internet and want to see if the article mentions '.' You're editing a quarterly report in Word and want to find the section where the author mentions 'revenue.' Hitting CTRL + F in just about any program that involves reading -- all the major web browsers, word processors, spreadsheet apps and developer tools -- lets you search for a specific text string.